Kansas Final Expense Life Insurance Explained: 2024 Update

When it comes to planning for the future, many seniors in Kansas may not be aware of their options when it comes to final expense life insurance.
Final expense life insurance can help alleviate some of the financial burden associated with funeral costs and burial laws in Kansas.
It’s important that seniors understand what this type of policy entails, as well as sample rates for male and female applicants so they can find the best companies and steps to buy a policy.
With Kansas final expense life insurance, you will have peace-of-mind knowing your loved ones won’t be faced with an unexpected bill after you’re gone.
Read on to learn more about how this type of coverage works and why it could benefit you or someone close to you.
Table of Contents
- What is Final Expense Life Insurance?
- Cost of a Funeral in Kansas
- Burial Laws in Kansas
- Sample Rates for Male and Female
- Best Companies and Steps to Buy a Policy
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Next Steps
What is Final Expense Life Insurance?
Final expense life insurance, also called burial insurance, is a type of life insurance policy designed to cover the costs associated with end-of-life expenses such as funeral and burial costs.
It is typically purchased by seniors over the age of 50 who want to ensure that their loved ones are not burdened with these costs after they pass away.
When considering final expense life insurance, it’s important to understand what types of coverage are available and how much you may need.
The amount of coverage needed depends on individual circumstances; however, most people purchase enough coverage to cover funeral and burial expenses plus any outstanding debts or medical bills that may remain unpaid at the time of death.
In addition to providing financial protection for your family in case something happens to you, final expense life insurance also offers peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will have one less thing to worry about when you’re gone.
While a final expense policy can be used as your beneficiary sees fit, they are typically designed to cover the following:
- Price of a funeral
- Cremation costs
- Transportation fees
- Flowers and obituary
- Final medical bills
This type of policy can help make sure your wishes regarding end-of-life arrangements are honored without putting an undue burden on those left behind financially.
When a life insurance death claim is filed, the death benefit is usually paid out in a lump sum. Further, this form of coverage is almost always permanent. Permanent final expense policies do not expire and they also accumulate a modest amount of cash value – to be used in minor emergencies.
Final expense life insurance is an important product to consider when planning for the future. It can help cover funeral costs and other expenses that may arise after death. Now let’s take a look at the cost of funerals in Kansas.
Key Takeaway: Final expense life insurance is designed to pay for end-of-life costs. They are a permanent form of coverage and accumulate a small amount of cash value. As long as you pay your premiums, your policy will not expire.
Cost of a Funeral in Kansas
Funerals in Kansas can be expensive, with the average cost ranging from $7,000 to $10,000. This includes the cost of a casket and embalming services as well as viewing and other services associated with funerals.
Cemetery or burial plot fees are not included in this figure and can add an additional $2,000-$3,000 to the total cost. The entire price of a funeral needs to be considered in order to determine how much final expense coverage you need.
The type of funeral you choose will have a significant impact on how much it costs.
A traditional full-service funeral typically involves embalming and preparation of the body for viewing before cremation or burial.
The casket is also usually purchased separately from these services at an additional cost. If you opt for a direct cremation without any viewings or ceremonies, then your costs may be significantly lower than those associated with a traditional service.
In addition to funeral home fees, there are also cemetery fees that must be taken into consideration when budgeting for a funeral in Kansas. These include:
- Opening and closing fees which cover digging the grave site and filling it back up after interment.
- Perpetual care which covers ongoing maintenance of gravesites.
- Monument installation, if desired.
- Marker installation, if desired.
- Vault installation, if desired.
- Miscellaneous administrative charges such as deed transfer fee or death certificate filing fee.
All these items combined can easily add another several thousand dollars onto your final bill, depending on what you decide to purchase for your or your loved one’s resting place.
The cost of a funeral in Kansas can vary greatly depending on the type of service you choose. It’s important to understand burial laws in Kansas before making any decisions about life insurance policies.
Key Takeaway: Funerals in Kansas can be expensive, ranging from $7,000-$10,000 not including cemetery or burial plot fees. Costs depend on the type of funeral chosen and additional fees.
Burial Laws in Kansas
Kansas has specific laws regulating funerals and burials within its borders. Laws are determined by local governments, as opposed to state-wide regulations. So, be sure to understand your specific county’s rules.
For example you will want to be familiar with:
- Requirements for obtaining permits prior cremation and burial services being performed.
- Restrictions on scattering ashes from cremated remains outside designated areas.
- Differences between public and private cemeteries, run by religious organizations.
Again, it is important to check with your local cemetery for any specific rules or regulations they may have regarding burials on their property.
For example, some cemeteries require that all graves be dug at least two feet deep and that a concrete vault must be used for the burial of certain types of remains.
Additionally, many cemeteries will not allow more than one body to be buried in a single grave unless special permission has been granted from the cemetery board.
The scattering of ashes from cremated remains is allowed under Kansas law; however, there are specific guidelines which must be followed when doing so.
Ashes cannot simply be scattered anywhere. Instead, permission must first be granted by the landowner whose property falls under the jurisdiction where the ashes would like to be dispersed upon request.
Furthermore, even though permission has been granted, scattering ashes is still prohibited on public lands such as parks and nature preserves unless otherwise specified in a written agreement established beforehand.
Lastly, all ash scatterings must strictly adhere to Environmental Protection Agency standards in order to avoid potential environmental contamination due to improper disposal of human remains during the process.
In addition to checking with your local cemetery about burial laws, consider any religious requirements when planning a funeral service in Kansas.
Some religions may require that bodies be buried within 24 hours after death while others may permit up to three days before burial takes place.
It is best to consult an experienced funeral director who can help you understand and comply with any applicable religious customs and traditions associated with funerals and burials in Kansas.
When it comes time for burying the deceased’s remains, there are several options available depending on individual preferences as well as financial considerations.
Burial plots can range from traditional ground-level gravesites located within existing cemeteries to mausoleums where multiple family members can be interred together over time.
Cremation services are also available throughout most parts of Kansas; however, some families prefer traditional earth burials due either personal preference, or cultural tradition passed down through generations of their family lineages.
Key Takeaway: When planning a funeral in Kansas, it is important to check with local cemeteries for any specific regulations and to consider religious requirements. Options for burying the deceased’s remains include traditional ground-level gravesites, mausoleums or cremation services.
Sample Rates for Male and Female
When it comes to final expense life insurance, there are some key differences in rates between males and females.
Generally speaking, men will pay slightly more than women due to higher mortality rates among men. For example, a 55-year-old male could expect to pay around $35 per month for a $10,000 policy while a 55-year-old female would pay just over $25 per month for the same coverage amount.
The cost of final expense life insurance also varies depending on other factors such as age and health status. As you get older, your premiums will increase since the risk of death increases with age.
In addition, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or take certain medications that can affect your health and longevity then this could also impact your premium rate.
It is important to note that these sample rates are just estimates based on average market prices; actual costs may vary depending on individual circumstances and the type of policy purchased.
It is recommended that seniors shop around for different quotes from multiple providers before making their decision so they can find the best deal available for them.
Additionally, consulting with an experienced insurance agent who specializes in final expense policies can help ensure that seniors make an informed decision when selecting their final expense plan and get the most value out of their purchase.
Related – Your complete guide to burial insurance for seniors.
Sample rates for male and female vary based on age, health status, and coverage amount. Now let’s look at the best companies to buy a policy from and the steps you need to take in order to purchase one.
Best Companies and Steps to Buy a Policy
To start, be sure to enlist the help of an independent agent to compare and contrast the top-rated carriers and the different final expense policies they offer.
We recommend adding the following life insurance companies to your list of carriers to analyze:
Further, if you have been diagnosed with serious health complications, and traditional final expense coverage may not be an option for you, be sure to evaluate guaranteed issue life insurance plans. Guaranteed issue policies accept all individuals, regardless of health status.
Applying for a policy is easy and can be done online or over the phone – with the help of your agent. Usually, you do not need to leave the comfort of your home to buy a policy.
You will need to provide information about yourself such as your age, health history, lifestyle habits and other factors in order to receive an accurate quote for coverage amounts and premiums.
It’s important to compare rates from multiple companies before making your decision so you get the best deal possible.
Once you have chosen a company, they will send you an application form which needs to be filled out accurately with all required information included.
The insurer may also require additional documents such as medical records or proof of income depending on your circumstances.
Once everything has been submitted they will review it and let you know if your application has been approved or declined, typically with a same day turnaround.
Key Takeaway: Final expense life insurance is easy to apply for and there are several companies offering competitive rates. To get the best deal, compare rates from multiple providers before submitting an application form with all required information included.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is final expense life insurance worth it?
Final expense life insurance can be a valuable tool for seniors over the age of 50. It provides financial protection to cover funeral and burial costs, medical bills, and other expenses that may arise in the event of death.
Additionally, it helps to ensure that loved ones are not left with a financial burden after an individual passes away.
While there are some drawbacks to final expense (burial insurance) such as higher premiums due to age or pre-existing conditions, overall burial insurance is worth it, considering if you want your family to have peace of mind knowing they will not face unexpected costs at a difficult time.
How much is the average final expense policy?
The average final expense policy varies greatly depending on the type of coverage, age and health of the insured. Generally speaking, a typical final expense policy for an individual over 50 years old can range from $5,000 to $25,000 in death benefit.
It is important to note that these policies are typically more expensive than other types of life insurance due to their lenient underwriting.
Additionally, some insurers may offer discounts or special rates based on certain criteria such as veteran status. Ultimately it is best to speak with an experienced agent who can provide you with personalized quotes tailored specifically for your needs.
At what age should you buy final expense insurance?
The best age to buy final expense insurance is typically between 50 and 80 years old.
This type of policy provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death, covering expenses such as funeral costs and medical bills.
It can also provide a cash benefit to help with other debts or expenses that may arise after you pass away. Premiums are generally lower when purchased at an earlier age, so it’s important to consider this option while you’re still young enough to qualify for more affordable rates.
What kind of insurance is most commonly used to find final expense policies?
Final expense insurance is a type of life insurance policy designed to cover funeral costs and other end-of-life expenses.
It is usually taken out by seniors over the age of 50, as it can provide financial protection for their families after they pass away. Final expense policies are typically whole life policies that offer smaller death benefits.
They are often used to cover burial costs, medical bills, and any outstanding debts left behind by the deceased.
Next Steps
In Kansas, it’s important to understand the cost of a funeral, burial laws, and sample rates for male and female when considering purchasing final expense life insurance.
With the right company and policy in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your family will be taken care of financially after you’re gone.
When looking into Kansas final expense life insurance policies, make sure to research all available options from reputable companies before making a decision on which one best fits your needs.
Seniors should consider Kansas Final Expense Life Insurance to provide them with peace of mind and financial security.
With this product, seniors can rest assured that their loved ones will not be burdened with the cost of final expenses in the event of an untimely death.
Additionally, they may also find Medicare, Health and Cancer plans that are tailored to fit their needs and budget. Don’t wait any longer – take control today by exploring iSeniorBenefits‘ range of insurance solutions for seniors.